Indie Jones is a pixel animation game about Nathan Kuruna, an indie documentary film maker who is running a campaign to help fund his movie. In collaboration with the talented game programmer Sean James Mckenzie, this game was made as a branding medium to drive gamers to help generate revenue for the documentary.
Want to know more?... keep on reading.
Last August (on Clock Day, 2009) a few of us Newgrounders had caught up with Nathan, who was making a documentary film on the Interbutt and the impact of newgrounds. The big picture is Nathan was making a documentary on all of us users and contributors of Newgrounds.
Sean and myself decided that we got to be a part of this big cog wheel and work on getting the message out there to other fellow newgrounders to help Nathan make his documentary.
Read all about the development that went into this game here and here
And dont forget to help out by clicking on the ads' or donating some monies! Enjoy :D
I very much enjoyed playing this game.